Sample Submission

Sample Preparation (all samples):

  • Include the submittal form in the outer pocket and make sure bag is closed and double bag if necessary.

  • Label each jar with patient name and sample site.

  • Please submit spleen and other large tissues fresh and include ice packs in the shipping container or bag.

  • Please submit endoscopic samples in cassettes or free floating in the jar (avoid wrapping in paper/gauze or using tongue depressors).

  • Use appropriate jars and make sure lids are closed to prevent leakage during transit.

Mailing Samples

  • Mail samples to:

Pathwood Veterinary Laboratories

3241 S. Ferdinand St

Seattle, WA 98118


  • Courier service is available in portions of Northern California and Western Washington state. Please call the lab at 425-224-7759 or email for additional information.

  • Please call or email Dr. Wood with any questions.